Pro Chancellor

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Tan Sri Dr. Palan is a lifelong human resource development specialist, acknowledged globally among peers for his expertise. His life’s work has been focused on promoting affordable and quality education. His key lifelong pursuit has been to ensure equitable access for all to quality education. He is committed to upholding the University’s core mission of education and research by ensuring high academic standards. Over the years, he has led efforts to build industry partnerships and ensure successful graduate outcomes and employability. As a social entrepreneur, he is interested in youth entrepreneurship.


He has been elected a Fellow of the Institute of Training & Development, U.K. and the British Institute of Learning & Development. He started his career as a lecturer in management studies and subsequently earned renown as a management trainer. In his pursuit of helping people learn and perform, he has authored 15 books. He is a keen researcher devoted to improving the quality of learning with his ‘FUN X Content = Results’ model. Currently, his principal research interest is in the area of Skills Gaps and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET). He studied at the Harvard Business School, Federation University, Australia, Leicester University, U.K., California Coast University and Madras University, India. His first doctoral thesis focused on Performance Management in Asian Cultures, while his second doctoral thesis centred on Vocational Education in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. Besides his interest in these areas, he is an ardent enthusiast of political sciences and youth entrepreneurship.

Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Palan is a recipient of the Darjah Kebesaran Panglima Setia Mahkota (PSM), which carries the title ‘Tan Sri’ from the Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah. He is also a recipient of the Darjah Datuk Paduka Mahkota Perak (DPMP), which carries the title Dato’, awarded by the DYMM Paduka Seri Azlan Shah, Sultan of the State of Perak Darul Ridzuan and the Johan Bintang Kenyalang (JBK) from the Yang Di Pertua Negeri (Governor) of the state of Sarawak.

Palan, a Malaysian, lives with his family in Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
